A sad story | Teen Ink

A sad story

March 22, 2012
By Edwin Tam BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Edwin Tam BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I freeze,so then I curl to a ball
From the tingle to shocks life is rough
What I got,rare it results being small
My life is dread see,afraid it is tough

I shelter in fragile wood like paper
Dark,alone,small as a shed inside my dorm
Walls front my path pity,me as maker
So like many none can afford a storm

Icy,regal given a birth gift then drained
In all now regal is belied by me
Inside as I tell the tale outside rained
Prefer to be with myself to let be

As I am both,now I have no shortage
Rather before than me taking sausage

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