Living in Inception | Teen Ink

Living in Inception

December 26, 2011
By ClingToTheEdge BRONZE, Northfield, New Jersey
ClingToTheEdge BRONZE, Northfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding.

- Dale Carnegie

My life right now is near perfection,
everything is as good as it seems,
but I feel as though it's inception,
just a dreams within dreams.

The bad luck I had in the past,
is coming after me,
my tranquility cannot last,
this much I can see.

My inception will soon be going,
a storm is coming my way,
the clouds are dark and the wind is blowing,
today is bad luck's day.

My inception is now at stake,
if it should fall will I awake?

The author's comments:
Just more late night inspiration. This was thought of due to a recent amount of luck, my life right now does seem perfect. However bad luck is bound to come, no matter how I look at it.

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