The road that lies behind me | Teen Ink

The road that lies behind me

March 25, 2011
By Sweet_Euphoria BRONZE, Catawissa, Pennsylvania
Sweet_Euphoria BRONZE, Catawissa, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day I leave this
Place, safe and familiar as can be,
Will I look back and regret
The road that lies behind me?

Would I change my decisions?
Stand firm in my choices,
Or would I hesitate,
And listen to the voices?

The voices that told me,
Cautioned me, warned me,
The road I chose was
Treacherous and rocky?

No, the road that lies behind me,
Though rough, was meant for me

The author's comments:
I'm graduating high school this summer, and I was thinking about my life thus far. I wouldn't change anything about it, because even the bad judgements have given me experience.

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