My Living Nightmare | Teen Ink

My Living Nightmare

March 9, 2011
By Anonymous

It’s dark…screams resonating through my ears.
They’re getting closer, closer, let me be!
Bring back what once was my joy; now my tears.
Hades’ rule now takes my mind’s sanity.

Shadows’ grasps drag me deep down to death’s lair.
Still, I hear anger and slamming of doors.
Waking will not free me from this nightmare.
It’s this frightful night I really abhor.

Wait! Breathe…are these ears deceiving my mind?
The screams are no more, the fog has lifted.
Have they reverted to being refined?
Even so, these scars will not be mended.

All at once doors open, two hands reach out.

Light floods in, so goes my internal shouts.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because my parents are a couple who rarely fights. But presently at that time, due to many pressures, they had multiple arguments. Since I wasn't used to the fighting and arguing, I felt terrible and depressed. Everything I did felt incomplete or I felt sluggish throughout the day. Luckily, they have stopped arguing now and I am relieved and ecstatic that our family is back to normal. Even though in my case, it wasn't extreme or bad, I can imagine how kids with parents who argue constantly and with acts of violence would feel. From my experience and what I hear from others, this poem was formed. I want adults to be able to see from a child's point of view their constant arguing and hopefully learn the consequences it could cause to a child's life and how alone and scared a child feels during those times.

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