first sights | Teen Ink

first sights

March 8, 2011
By Andresito Gutierrez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Andresito Gutierrez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From the first time we met our hearts collide
The only bright star in the dark night sky
Love, it’s a feeling I get inside
...I really want you, but I don’t know why
You tell your friends he is the perfect guy
When you are with me, I feel good inside
I just can’t believe it, seems like a lie
My love for her she knows I will not hide
When I am with you the world seems to stop
I get this feeling I haven't got a clue
Let go and say goodbye, my heart will drop
Until I see you again I renew
my love for you is like a great big fire
to be with you forever i aspire

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