Wolf in Sheeps Clothing | Teen Ink

Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

January 27, 2011
By Anonymous

Swimming thoughts of a sky so blue and
Lovely flowers blooming in the spring.
A glorious smile and words so true
And sweet, I wanted to sing...

Music to my ears no more
Are his words of cherishing?
No. His grin now shakes me to my core
And I feel my love perishing.

Pretty images dancing in my brain
Are now grotesque and cold.
My mind now sees gray and rain
Because of the lies that were told.

A gentle lamb hid his wolf disguise
And now I curse my rose-colored eyes.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I was bored in my Physics class. I hope people will understand that while love can be nice, some guys will be what you want but it might be a lie. It can apply to girls too if you change the he to she.

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