Live. | Teen Ink


January 23, 2011
By jsraffa BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
jsraffa BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You chose to live. maybe just exist.
The way to live is self defined, your niche.
Remind yourself with something on your wrist.
For me its happiness that makes me rich.

Its not so hard to tell the difference
Between the truly happy and those weak
‘cause the smile is what gets you off the fence.
The fence of what’s joy and what’s meek.

I believe happiness can be achieved
In any situation. Its all mind.
It is something that can even be breathed
If you let it control your human kind

Once achieved, then you’re really able to live
For existence is not enough, but living is.

The author's comments:
This poem is dedicated to my grandpa.

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