Hopeless | Teen Ink


July 11, 2010
By Allison Benz GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
Allison Benz GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hope, where are you?
We, the Jews, need hope, please.
Faith, where are you?
We, the Jews, need faith, please.
Nazis come and kill Mom, Dad and Fred
They take me and Anastasia to a camp
Blood paint the walls of the camp red
Anastasia screams in agony as the clamp
Squeezes her. I watch her, hopeless.
Where are you, United States of America?
Are you here somewhere, hiding and helpless?
In the snow, we crowd in mass hysteria,
Our bony bodies covered by thin layer of cloth squeezing
The hopeless ones walk causally through the electric fence, hope that it will execute their sufferings

The author's comments:
This is about the Holocaust. Pretty sad poem...

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