Someone so Vital | Teen Ink

Someone so Vital

April 13, 2010
By Anonymous

The heart of a mentor,
The soul of an idol,
How can I explain why your presence is so vital?
So vital to the world,
So vital to existence,
You’re always willing to go the distance.
I often wonder why you’re willing to go so far,
I give no reward for you giving me your time,
I have nothing to give you in return for making my heart feel sublime.
But you do it with joy,
And caring inside,
No wonder you continue to be my life’s guide.
My guide through the thick,
My guide through the thin,
Although my heart aches, you always allow it to grin.
I still ask, why do you care?
All this pressure is mine,
There’s no reason I should choose you to hear me whine.
Your life is perceived as perfect,
And yet I bring it distress,
When you’re having a good day, most likely, I make it regress.
No moment is ideal,
When dealing with me,
Sometimes I just want to be free.
Free from the worry,
Of bothering you,
But, I remember all the things that you carried me through.
With the heart of a mentor,
The soul of an idol,
Who ever thought I could find someone so vital.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to Miss Fazzio, Miss Vecchione, and Miss Cuppari... Thank you for inspiring me!

This poem was recently published in an anthology.

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