Days at the Farm | Teen Ink

Days at the Farm

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

Cold winds blow across the wet muddy field.

Chicken gather around your feet to peck.

Chained gates open for sheep who will not yield.

Cleaning up the pig pen for them to wreck.

Holding a freezing lamb just freshly born.

Heavy metal gates bang against the walls.

Horses rubbing agianst wood that is worn.

Having to spread Alfalfa in the stalls.

Dragging bags of chicken feed on the ground.

Developing a numbness to the smell.

Dropping hay from strings that keep them bound.

Dusty dirt drifting after a dry spell. 

Mud on my boots contintue to accrue.

Muscle sore as more days of work ensue.

The author's comments:

I enjoy working on farms so I wrote about it because it means a lot to me. I enjoy taking in the nature around me and describing it with poems. 

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