From Pup To Pal | Teen Ink

From Pup To Pal

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

Shopping for new collar, leashes and toys!

Counting down, till the new puppy arrives.

Thinking about all of this brings me joy!

Each day closer makes my energy rise.

The puppy jumping into my arms!

Knowing our journey is just starting.

I will keep this puppy from any harm.

This will be the dog I am adopting!

Before I know it my puppy is nine.

Black hair turning into a gray color.

Day after day after day flying by.

He will always be my little lover.

This was the best dog that I could ever have.

And a dog that would always make me laugh.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my love for dogs and how they just grow up and get old to fast. I was inspired to write this poem about my dog Franklin and how the time is flying by, watching him grow older. I felt like yesterday I was just adopting him and now this summer he will be turning 4 years old. I wish for many more years with Franklin and can't wait to see what the future brings!

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