Time's Meaning | Teen Ink

Time's Meaning

January 25, 2024
By MatiasShani SILVER, Tirana, Other
MatiasShani SILVER, Tirana, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Upon the stage of life, we play our part (a)  
As fleeting moments dance in fleeting grace (b)  
Bestow on mortal souls a transient art (a)  
The hands of time, with ever-moving pace (b)  
In youth, we dream, with passions burning bright (c)  
Yet shadows lengthen as the sun descends (d)  
And all that once was vibrant turns to night (c) 
The bloom of spring to autumn's chill transcends (d) 
 The hourglass, relentless, ceaseless flows (e)  
A river swift, where destinies entwine (f)  
Each heartbeat marks a step towards the close (e)  
As mortal frames succumb to fate's design (f) 
But in the face of time, let wisdom grow (g) 
For in our deeds, our legacy may show (g) 

The author's comments:

I just wanted to share this poem as it helps me talk about my grandpa, who is close to passing, but has never been wiser. (slight changes, I miss did the rhyme scheme...)

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