Shall I Fence the Chicken with Great Fervent | Teen Ink

Shall I Fence the Chicken with Great Fervent

March 14, 2023
By fionas0925 GOLD, Maryland, Maryland
fionas0925 GOLD, Maryland, Maryland
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shall I fence the chicken with great fervent,

To seduce them with grains or simply laments?

They listen none to my commands.


Shall I sweep the floor with mighty strength that I lack,

The besom trumpets to protest my grip in a wack?

I proceed none and wish that I’m handicapped.


Shall I wash the faded clothes with blistered hands?

Blades on the washboard thrust my bones to expand,

I received cares none as my hands became wildland.


Shall I nurse my youngers with tender great?

They grow in shapes and left me without educate.

I complained none, during nights I prayed.


Shall I begrudge the fortune and family that they are born with?

They stroll through torrents as I build the bridge.

I should complain none as I spot the ridge.


Shall I pity you for those mountains you overcame?

They left you void and made you lame.


You remain yourself with grace.

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