My Language Arts Assignment | Teen Ink

My Language Arts Assignment

March 13, 2020
By Kai_Kaufusi1 BRONZE, Santa Clara, Utah
Kai_Kaufusi1 BRONZE, Santa Clara, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A kid tried to make a poem

Once upon a time

But he was a failure

And didn't know how to rhyme

And forgot about his poem

He went home and never tried

He didn't remember again

Until the due date died

He failed his only dream 

The kid had failed his class

He failed his family

He knew he would never pass

He deserves a chance 

So he tried to convince his teacher

But it never happened

His language arts needed to enhance

He tried to make it work

So his teacher would allow

And he worked on the poem

And that's what he’s doing right now…….

The author's comments:

It is me who made the poem about me making the poem.... Hope you enjoy!

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