Silver | Teen Ink


April 1, 2019
By Anonymous

That silver hair just takes my breath away

An acquired taste, it's hard not to stare.

Each silver strand laced a different way

No one can compare with that silver hair


Makeup meant to cover your gorgeous face

But your beauty has no flaws to cover

Excellence found in different ways, laced

Lines and colors, abstract undercover


I can see silver linings, abstract art

Those lips, a taste I have only dreamt of

The magnificent taste of human art 

This letter of love, delivered by dove


Doves soaring through abstract lines and colors

One day we will meet, but not as lovers.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem for a very interesting person I have never spoken to. She is just gorgeous and I sit near her in one of my classes. I don't see many people appreciate this work of human art and that deeply saddens me. This poem is an appreciation of her.

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