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By Kparker27 PLATINUM
Groesbeck, Texas

(Verse 1) I want you to be my eyes. I want you to be my heart. I want you to be my noble prize. I want you to be my new fresh start. I want you to be with me forever....
Kparker27 PLATINUM, Groesbeck, Texas
30 articles 17 photos 101 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, it's still best to wait for the one we want rather than settle for what's available. It's still best to wait for the one you love rather than to settle for the one who's around. It's still best to wait for the right person, because life's too short to waste on the wrong one."

By Angellynn1996 GOLD
San Francisco, California
Angellynn1996 GOLD, San Francisco, California
16 articles 17 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about getting out and dancing in the rain"

By Megpie94 SILVER
Cumberland, Maryland
Megpie94 SILVER, Cumberland, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 13 comments
Cape Coral, Florida
iCheeto PLATINUM, Cape Coral, Florida
25 articles 0 photos 61 comments
By StephenS GOLD
Ball Ground, Georgia
StephenS GOLD, Ball Ground, Georgia
19 articles 9 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.&#039; Sun Tzu said that. And I&#039;d say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it. Then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honour. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. And then he herded them onto a boat. And then he beat the crap out of every single one. And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it&#039;s called a zoo!<br /> <br /> <br /> . . . unless it&#039;s a farm!&quot; ~ Soldier (TF2)

By StephenS GOLD
Ball Ground, Georgia
StephenS GOLD, Ball Ground, Georgia
19 articles 9 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.&#039; Sun Tzu said that. And I&#039;d say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it. Then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honour. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. And then he herded them onto a boat. And then he beat the crap out of every single one. And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it&#039;s called a zoo!<br /> <br /> <br /> . . . unless it&#039;s a farm!&quot; ~ Soldier (TF2)

StephenS GOLD, Ball Ground, Georgia
19 articles 9 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.&#039; Sun Tzu said that. And I&#039;d say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it. Then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honour. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. And then he herded them onto a boat. And then he beat the crap out of every single one. And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it&#039;s called a zoo!<br /> <br /> <br /> . . . unless it&#039;s a farm!&quot; ~ Soldier (TF2)

By StephenS GOLD
Ball Ground, Georgia
StephenS GOLD, Ball Ground, Georgia
19 articles 9 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.&#039; Sun Tzu said that. And I&#039;d say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it. Then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honour. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. And then he herded them onto a boat. And then he beat the crap out of every single one. And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it&#039;s called a zoo!<br /> <br /> <br /> . . . unless it&#039;s a farm!&quot; ~ Soldier (TF2)

By StephenS GOLD
Ball Ground, Georgia
StephenS GOLD, Ball Ground, Georgia
19 articles 9 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.&#039; Sun Tzu said that. And I&#039;d say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it. Then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honour. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. And then he herded them onto a boat. And then he beat the crap out of every single one. And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it&#039;s called a zoo!<br /> <br /> <br /> . . . unless it&#039;s a farm!&quot; ~ Soldier (TF2)

By StephenS GOLD
Ball Ground, Georgia
StephenS GOLD, Ball Ground, Georgia
19 articles 9 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.&#039; Sun Tzu said that. And I&#039;d say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it. Then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honour. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. And then he herded them onto a boat. And then he beat the crap out of every single one. And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it&#039;s called a zoo!<br /> <br /> <br /> . . . unless it&#039;s a farm!&quot; ~ Soldier (TF2)