Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By Jstevens BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jstevens BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from treehouses and feeding the ducks, from the acoustic guitar playing rock on the porch.
From the wind passing through the fence and the oak trees.
I am from treating others well, to only speaking nice,
From adding on stress until I can not add more.

I am from a two-story old house with comforting color of clear skies,
From a backyard big enough for ball games where my days were spent.
I am from holding my guns tight, and my family even tighter,
From keeping your passion fired in your heart.

I am from creativity flowing willingly,
from exploring the world and seeing true beauty,the colour of nature.
I am from soft sang music and freeform art,
from accepting people’s values and open to new views.

I am from tallness like the trees,
From missing one toe like trees miss their leaves.
I am from not stealing and loving one another,
From becoming a brother a model to a younger one.

I am from love, nurture, and a close-knit family.
From life lessons to last,
From the hurt in the past.
I am from me and would not trade it for anything.

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