Devil's Deal | Teen Ink

Devil's Deal

April 30, 2013
By my_souls_been_shaken SILVER, Palm Beach, Florida
my_souls_been_shaken SILVER, Palm Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school" - Bruce Springsteen

Whispers, rumors
Anything but the truth
They won’t tell me
What they told you
Painful faces
Staring at the wall
I try to catch you
When you fall

Do not listen to a word they say
Because all lies sound the same
They are just shadows
With too much time to waste
They turned our lives
Into a sick twisted game
They can’t back down now
Because there is no one else to blame
Facts are useless
When they’re telling lies
They can’t say that to our face
They can’t even look us in the eye
But we got hurt in their game
And it’s all fun in their minds
Because whispers
And demons
Make you lose track of time

Shadows are painful
Because they never bleed
Demons and rumors
Have been haunting me
Since the day that I met you
Ghosts are all I see
You took your arrow
And ruined me

Forgotten memories
Lost in broken mirrors
And the strange feeling that
All my nightmares are real
The devil wanted my soul
So he made me a deal
He promised that without you
I would heal

Shame on you
Because you ruined my life
Shame on me
Because I let you
Shame on all
The demons, rumors and shadows
because they whispered the truth

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