Saved by Love | Teen Ink

Saved by Love

June 13, 2010
By ashlynmarie BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
ashlynmarie BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it&#039;s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life&#039;s realities. <br /> Theodore Geisel

She had just lost hope
she wanted to be alone
she said, can someone take me home?
and when it seemed like all she wanted was to mope around,
he came around
she was just about to fall
then he came down the hall

the tears in her eyes became sparkles her frownlines turned into dimples
all her worries began to scurry
and she forgot what she was mad about
because he came around
he came around

She had just lost faith, in everything
she wanted to break away and spread her wings
and never have to feel anything again
she let out one last sigh, one last moan
then she went to check her phone
she was just about to fall
then she got a call

the tears in her eyes became sparkles
her frown lines turned into dimples
all her worries began to scurry
and she let her pain go
because he said hello
he said hello

she would never frown again
as long as she could be with him forever she would never let him go
happiness comes from love girl,
never ever give it up girl,
and as long as he's around
your smile is here to stay,
so never let him get away, away, away

the tears in her eyes became sparkles
her frown lines turned into dimples
and she thanked her God above
that she had fell in love
she had fell in love
she was saved by love

The author's comments:
I wrote this song to tell a story of a girl who was lifted by a boy.
Her life was saved by love and she grew to believe that her happiness came from his love.

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