The Mask | Teen Ink

The Mask

May 27, 2010
By Anonymous

The Mask

A smiling girl on a summer day
Running children as they go to play
A soldier off to his boot camp
and another kid watching Lady and the Tramp

The man on the stage playing rock guitar
and those drunk guys, they won't get very far.
A marching band going through the streets,
and everyone clapping to their cadence beats.

Smiles fade over time
No one can see the reason or rhyme.
Innocence lost like a drop from a flask
or a watch of the falling mask.

Back to school on a cool fall day
that same smiling girl can't stand to stay.
The soldier learns that it's quite tough
and finds all of the drills extremely rough.

The man on the stage screams and shouts
the drunk people being foolish louts
The marching band goes the last meter
playing their hearts out for their marching teacher.

Smiles fade over time
No one can see the reason or rhyme.
Innocence lost like a drop from a flask
or a watch of the falling mask.

Their try to stop her but it's too late,
she and death have to make a date.
The soldier falls down in the sand
shot by the Arab terrorist band.

The man on the stage destroyed his throat
now he can't out a single note.
The teacher's problem progresses fast
and he knows that this season will be his last

Smiles fade over time
No one can see the reason or rhyme.
Innocence lost like a drop from a flask
or a watch of the falling mask.

The author's comments:
We all go through some trying times, and eventually we all have to lose the innocence of naivety. This year a lot happened to, not only me, but to my classmates at school. There are just some things that we can't control and eventually we have to open our eyes to this world.

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