Sing 'Till You Crack (An Ode to Steven Tyler) | Teen Ink

Sing 'Till You Crack (An Ode to Steven Tyler)

June 1, 2010
By GirlintheRain BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
GirlintheRain BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your mouth is just so freaking wide
You can unhinge at any time- just swallow
Up all the cool in life
Sitting there beneath the flashes, you get your
Kicks from stealing glances. They watch
To see you twist your scarves, the mike turns up
And you keep singing. You don’t stop.

Mister, mister, have a sister? Are you alone
I think I’ve seen your kid someplace.
No one cares, your brand name saved her, keep it up
Don’t let it slide out of your grasp. Your fame.
You are an outrage, thrilling senses, jumping through
Libidos of a thousand fans- as you sit to write
to get nearer to your flame- and you’ve achieved it.
Just keep singing what they like. Just keep singing.

The vultures still came, knocked on your door
You feelin’ thirsty yet? Your fans are a tower
But don’t get crazy, they’re not touching clouds.
Classic rock’s just one type, rock’s the next.
Don’t worry, at least I still like you. Just keep singing.
But you just move for more attention “Look!
It’s Steven, look this way!” And how does no one see you?
When the hell did they dare to turn the cameras away?

All you do is sing and march on. And drink. Don’t
Forget drink. You’re Steven Tyler and the center stage
Calls to you. You don’t actually drink, we drink you in at
every show because fame doesn’t slow- just joints do.
So keep on breathing. Just keep singing.
Do you know what they do with dead birds at PETCO?
I think they burn them. Keep on singing. And you keep drinking.
Your yellowed mouth is stinging. Just you wait until
your lungs crack.

The author's comments:
Maybe I'm just a little bit bitter, but I loved this band, and I had tickets to be front-and-center for Aerosmith, in the 21st row, last summer- and they disbanded before their tour hit Chicago. Don't get me wrong, I'm still in love with the band and in awe of their sound and Steven Tyler, who is practically a god. I was still a little disappointed.

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