You are my reason | Teen Ink

You are my reason

May 18, 2010
By Sasori_locve_puppet23 BRONZE, Odessa, Texas
Sasori_locve_puppet23 BRONZE, Odessa, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no future in the past

Prove to me there is still a reason to breathe
This world I desperately want to leave
I wonder is there is some sort of key
God will someone help me please

You are the one to help me breathe
In synthetic dreams you come to me
I feel your sweet tender touch
I long for you so very much
You'll for ever fullfill my desire
My passion for you roars like fire
Waiting for me to have you near
I'll tell you what ever you want to hear
Let me feel your warm embrace
And my heart will begin to race

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