Happiness | Teen Ink


May 18, 2010
By Jesse Chen BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Jesse Chen BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Greed is good.
My boss would say.
“Having the most money Is the only way.”
He would tell me, “true happiness is for losers; it is not our creed,
a shot of whiskey and a tramp to take home is all you’ll ever need.”

Well being so naïve, I took his advice.
I lived the high life and had my liquor with no ice.
I took NYC by storm and as Jay-Z would say.
I ran that town, and made a few bucks on the way.

But now looking back, 30 years past,
I thought I had lived life, but I blew by so fast.
And now as I sit her, with no wife or any kids,
I have to really think now, what happiness really is.

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