Falling Stars | Teen Ink

Falling Stars

May 11, 2010
By Dani Roswold BRONZE, Ramah, Colorado
Dani Roswold BRONZE, Ramah, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are like a gentle Eagle
Swooping down the mountain side
Or like the innocent beagle
Playing with the ocean tide.

You are the beautiful butterfly
Minding her own business
Up in the bright blue sky
With a care none the less.

Lying on the grass in the summer breeze
Watching the Dandelion’s fluff float by
I wish the whole world could seize
And capture the peace, or at least try.

The sunset comes up on us fast
As the day draws to an end
Sometimes we think of the past
And the memories we try to blend.

As the evening comes to a close
The moon shines bright and the stares come out
In the air goes my nose
As I watch the falling stars fly about.

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