Run! Run! Run! | Teen Ink

Run! Run! Run!

May 6, 2010
By Reds#5 SILVER, Eaton, Colorado
Reds#5 SILVER, Eaton, Colorado
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;lifes a garden dig it&quot; joe dirt <br /> &quot;pain is weakness leaving the body&quot;<br /> &quot;it only hurts till it stops hurting&quot; ciaras dad lol

Crash landing sent me to meet my demise
My world up in flames
Utmost desires stricken from my core
Carefree days of child hood over
Bite the bullet into adulthood
Fire must be ignited
Innocence gone
Carelessness is not an option for it conveys death
Frightened by the sinister darkness
Left alone
The boy burns
Horror is freed
Creeping crawling through the darkness
Nothing to be scared of
Stay strong
The fire will save you
The smallest cry in terror
The beast arrives
Each faced with a demon of their own
Darkness brings death to those terrified
Fireworks above gone unnoticed
Where is the fire
Figures dancing against the trees illuminated in darkness
Double sided death
Merciless cries of agony
Set free from shame
Water engulfs the weak
Dance to the beat of my throbbing hart
Lines drawn
Civil and savage
Young and old
Fear consumes us
Order lost with the abuse of the weak
Where is the fire now?
Slipping away the world I once new
Chaos consumes the guiltless and frail
Scars remain lucid and undisturbed
As a relentless token
Touched by betrayal
A war inside a war
Changed for eternity
What will become of me?
Reminiscences of corruption
I need the fire
Shattered with the beholder
Manners withdrawn
Purest of blood spilt
Violent rapids wash it away
The hunt is on
The fire has grown unobtainable
Losing breath
Crying for acceptance
Enclosed as effortless as swine
Relentless heartless
Nowhere left to run
Merciless is The Lord of the Flies

The author's comments:
from ralphs perspective from lord of the flies

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