Masquerade | Teen Ink


May 9, 2010
By illusionistwriter93 BRONZE, Kent, Connecticut
illusionistwriter93 BRONZE, Kent, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.&quot; - Winston Churchill<br /> <br /> &quot;Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it&#039;s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.&quot; - Marilyn Monroe

So now, my ungrateful child
You have more power in your paper crown
Than I could have ever dreamed
I didn’t know what to expect
My wishes and my dreams I had for you
Are now less likely than what they seemed

So, put on your mask of paper
And join life’s grand parade
We’re meant to fool one another
My son, that’s why we’re made
Magically sweeping through life
But eventually our colors will fade
So, put on your mask of paper
And join the masquerade...

The dreams I once had in store for you
I could have granted so much more for you
You were meant to be the King, that’s why you were made
But, I always knew that even the brightest colors fade

It was never easy to have all those
slaves at my feet
But throughout the years your sense
of compassion starts to fade
You forget all faces, you forget
anyone that you meet
You put on your paper mask and
join the masquerade...

So, put on your mask of paper
And join life’s grand parade
We’re meant to fool one another
My son, that’s why we’re made
Magically sweeping through life
But eventually our colors will fade
So put on your mask of paper
And join the masquerade
So, put on your mask of paper
And join the masquerade
My son, life's a masquerade...

The author's comments:
A song from my musical: "Dance with the King," which is a historical piece about the last emperor of China: Emperor Puyi. The song is sung in the second act by the Dowager Empress Cixi, while watching the Emperor's life fall to pieces. She regrets not warning him that life is to be seen through the eyes of a mask.

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