Murder in Haiku | Teen Ink

Murder in Haiku

February 27, 2013
By rainbowpenguin BRONZE, Wrangell, Alaska
rainbowpenguin BRONZE, Wrangell, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Albert Einstein

Her soft lips brush mine,
And then he wakes me
-- beauty melts like snow.

* * *

You must awake now.
You know that dream is a lie.
--like summer’s mirage.

* * *

What? My dreams a lie!
Imagining is the key.
--like new life in spring.

* * *

But you know she is dead.
You are the one who killed her.
--an early spring frost.

* * *

Why must you remind!
Her death was a tragedy!
Her winter had come!

* * *

Your hand held the blade!
You were not the only one.
She was my zephyr.

* * *

You robbed us of love!
To think I called you brother.
Our rose was in bloom

* * *
She was not in love.
She feared what you would do if.
--if she would prune it.

* * *

You speak only lies!
My knife will silence you too.
Your autumn has come.

* * *

Ah, cold hands of death.
You have returned me to her.
--leafs fall from a tree

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece while on a week long camping trip, I was having a wonderful dream, and my friend woke me up. Note, there is two people talking in this piece.

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