Dreamer. | Teen Ink


December 29, 2012
By LauraLemon BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
LauraLemon BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde

A little girl whose
fantasies exceed her dreams
finds Christmas morn dull.

Why is that? You say.
Well if I told you there's snow,
I would be lying.

Homework piled up high--
not a hint of Christmas cheer.
That's what killed my joy.

You aren't satisfied
without the clichéd poem.
So fine, here you go:

Crystallized snowflakes
rain down from Heaven above,
caressing my hair.

Children caroling
with fine ensemble music
running all at once...

Marvelous indeed!
This Christmas must be the best,
I think to myself.

I feel someone's breath
that wintry puff of breath that
leaves you quivering.

I turn and see him,
he, who I have long crushed on.
He gives me a smile.

Without further thought,
I figured it all made sense.
Christmas is for love.

He leans down to me,
and gives me the kiss that I've
long longed from afar.

From head to toe, I,
I, feel electrified, and...
Boom. Reality.

I wake, eyes open,
and see my stupid binder.
My stupid homework.

Sorry I had to
ruin the big moment of love.
Because I am pissed.

Math really kills, kids,
Exams after Christmas suck.
Merry Christmas, guys.

The author's comments:
My finals are after Christmas. Boo.

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