summer time | Teen Ink

summer time

October 31, 2012
By pennpoetry BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
pennpoetry BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am a poet thats what i am

It must be summer time again.
Because all the school bells are gone.

Just like every other school year That I ever known.
Many kids excited, many want to go home.

Many kids are sleeping they just want to be alone.
Teachers are saying goodbye.

Wishing the summer won’t fly by.
Its summer time again.

Because the halls are so alone.
Just like every other school year I’ve known.

Rushing out the doors.
Swimming in the lake.

Splashing other people.
Summer time is great.

The author's comments:
the excitement

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