Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

Free Verse

Most discussed Free Verse Poems

By vanessarose BRONZE
Louisville, Kentucky

There he lays, here I stand. Silently nearing, I take his hand as if it’s a fragile flower. Fading, my son is, fading Like the Autumn fades into the deathly Winter. His breath...
vanessarose BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Most people don't recognize opportunity when it comes, because it's usually dressed in overalls and looks a lot like work”  -Thomas Edison

By HanleyGrace GOLD
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
HanleyGrace GOLD, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
10 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Those who matter don&#039;t mind, and those who mind don&#039;t matter.&quot;<br /> -Dr. Seuss

By wordnerd54 SILVER
Sparta, New Jersey
wordnerd54 SILVER, Sparta, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.&quot; ~E.L. Doctorow

By Stella_Val_Illicia GOLD
Salt Lake City, Utah
Stella_Val_Illicia GOLD, Salt Lake City, Utah
13 articles 0 photos 247 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad idea.&quot;<br /> --Douglas Adams

By 104.jms BRONZE
Yardley, Pennsylvania
104.jms BRONZE, Yardley, Pennsylvania
3 articles 7 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Always look on the Bright Side of Life&quot; ~Monty Python

By PixiePoet GOLD
Woodbine, Maryland
PixiePoet GOLD, Woodbine, Maryland
11 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We must not lose this sense of possibility because in the end, it&#039;s all we have.&quot; - Marina Keegan

Always MAG
By ca15043 BRONZE
Pasadena, California
ca15043 BRONZE, Pasadena, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments
Silent-change GOLD, Parow, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I&#039;d rather you tell me the truth and make me cry, than tell me a lie and make smile.

By Danimals BRONZE
Grandville, Michigan
Danimals BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The synthesis of pure calming food, is breathing pure air, listening to good sounds, looking at good sight, and touching pure objects&quot; -Sri Sathya Sai-Baba

By aliciasmit BRONZE
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
aliciasmit BRONZE, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;no matter how hard life gets, i will always be there for you.&quot;