Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

Free Verse

Most discussed Free Verse Poems

By Saloni.Mehta PLATINUM
Bhopal, Other

My eyes were twinkling, And I saw him smiling. I crawled to him, He left his chore even when I was not gim.   From the days, I cried, To the days, I hied. He has be...
Saloni.Mehta PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
27 articles 0 photos 51 comments

By Rayne_leighAnn BRONZE
Nacogdoches, Texas
Rayne_leighAnn BRONZE, Nacogdoches, Texas
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life" JK Rowling

By AfricanKing DIAMOND
Warner Robins, Georgia
AfricanKing DIAMOND, Warner Robins, Georgia
53 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only you and I can help the sun rise each morning. If we don't, it may drench itself out in sorrow - Joan Baez

LeisurelySketches GOLD, Tricity, Other
10 articles 1 photo 73 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your life has a limit but knowledge has none. (Zhuangzi)

Saloni.Mehta PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
27 articles 0 photos 51 comments
By HannahSaulnier PLATINUM
Manitowoc, Wisconsin
HannahSaulnier PLATINUM, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
35 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I&#039;ve learned that deep down, there&#039;s a light that never goes out!&quot;<br /> &quot;There is no darkness strong enough in this world that can diminish the light in our hearts.&quot;<br /> -Kingdom Hearts

By Nated315 DIAMOND
Georgetown, New York
Nated315 DIAMOND, Georgetown, New York
92 articles 7 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
Truth has many shades. It&#039;s not a matter of black and white, but many grays.

By ermazilla PLATINUM
Rolla, Missouri
ermazilla PLATINUM, Rolla, Missouri
20 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The duty of youth is to challenge corruption&quot;

By SierraLynn411 SILVER
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
SierraLynn411 SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t pretend to be someone you&#039;re not<br /> Because like every caterpillar<br /> you are beautiful before and after you grow - Sierra Lynn

SierraLynn411 SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t pretend to be someone you&#039;re not<br /> Because like every caterpillar<br /> you are beautiful before and after you grow - Sierra Lynn