Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

Free Verse

Most discussed Free Verse Poems

By Love1321 PLATINUM
Harrisville, Utah

Dear Mother, You mean the world to me Your love is immense And it’s always seen Dear Mother, I love you with all my heart More than anyone else So much, it blows the chart...
Love1321 PLATINUM, Harrisville, Utah
21 articles 26 photos 74 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart that understands." Anonymous

By thewriteidea DIAMOND
Pleasanton, California
thewriteidea DIAMOND, Pleasanton, California
67 articles 0 photos 336 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry that it's over, smile because it has happened."

By thewriteidea DIAMOND
Pleasanton, California
thewriteidea DIAMOND, Pleasanton, California
67 articles 0 photos 336 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry that it's over, smile because it has happened."

By thewriteidea DIAMOND
Pleasanton, California
thewriteidea DIAMOND, Pleasanton, California
67 articles 0 photos 336 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry that it's over, smile because it has happened."

By thewriteidea DIAMOND
Pleasanton, California
thewriteidea DIAMOND, Pleasanton, California
67 articles 0 photos 336 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry that it's over, smile because it has happened."

By Alcanno DIAMOND
Mexia, Texas
Alcanno DIAMOND, Mexia, Texas
59 articles 0 photos 670 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you love life, don&#039;t waste time, for time is what life is<br /> made up of.&quot;<br /> <br /> -- Bruce Lee

By DreamInspired GOLD
Nevada City, California
DreamInspired GOLD, Nevada City, California
10 articles 7 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you ,strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.<br /> -Harriet Tubman

WriterFighter PLATINUM, Wilsonville, Other
32 articles 3 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
*Women and men are very different, but not when it comes down to their heart

By MizzAliciabby SILVER
Alexandria, Louisiana
MizzAliciabby SILVER, Alexandria, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t do me that&quot; ...&quot;i can do anything with god&quot;....&quot;i walk by faith and not by sight&quot;

By clairexaudrey PLATINUM
Bethel, Connecticut
clairexaudrey PLATINUM, Bethel, Connecticut
41 articles 3 photos 73 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.&quot;<br /> -Elizabeth Kubler Ross