Victorious Lacrosse Team | Teen Ink

Victorious Lacrosse Team

May 24, 2018
By 8lorenz GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
8lorenz GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Recipe for a Victorious Lacrosse Team

A team
Sticks/ cleats/ goggles/ lacrosse balls/ goals/ rebounders
Practice field
Knowledgeable coach
Good communication skills
Bonding exercises
Film app(krossover)
Conditioning plans
Well-runned practices


1. Create a team that will develop well together and has the opportunity to have a great season.
2. Make sure the girls have their personal equipment such as; sticks, cleats, goggles, lacrosse balls, etc. Invest in goals and rebounders as well.
3. Set up time and make sure the team can get practice time on the fields everyday. Shoot for having Sunday workouts or practices when big games are coming up that week.
4. In the beginning, the team will need some bonding activities to become more comfortable with one another. Try setting up, out of practice, activities such as; pasta parties, team outings, bowling, etc. Anything that will help the girls become more dependent on one another and create a bond/trust between everyone.
5. Make sure there is a hired coach that has experience with girls lacrosse and knows what he/she is doing.
6. The more the girls work together without the coach, the more they will learn to communicate on their own and depend on one another, on and off the field. Show them that leaving their personal problems on the sideline while at practice or a game will help them come together as a team more.
7. Create a film app such as krossover, and have the girls watch film of their games to see what they are doing well and what to keep up, as well as what they made mistakes on and what they should be focusing on to improve.
8. Get the girls well conditioned, have at least 3 different conditioning activities each practice to get everyone in shape and be able to beat most opponents, winning the 50/50 balls.
9. Have plans for practice, don’t just wing it. Have set plans for what they can improve on and get them started on it. The more planned out practices are, the more efficient they’ll be.
10. Go win games!!!

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