A Page Out Of My Story | Teen Ink

A Page Out Of My Story

May 25, 2018
By A.Blossom BRONZE, Freeport,Grand Bahama, Other
A.Blossom BRONZE, Freeport,Grand Bahama, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

That day I cried,I summoned the gods of lightning and thunder 

I arose the waves, that laid in slumber

I awakened the monster, that was living inside

The one with the messy hair, and the puffy red eyes

She was hurt, dishevelled, didn't know how to express her rage

One moment she was perfectly fine, and then the other, she was on a rampage 


Someone she loved dearly, made a giant crack in her heart

She placed a band-aid over it, but it didn't help the scar

From morning to noonday,she picked herself up and fell over again

Thinking that she was in the wrong and maybe she should make ammends

But she came to the conclusion that it wasn't her 

Though her eyes were heavy and the world was a blur

She knew she was right and refused to defer


But it didn't help the tears, and it didnt help the hurt

She just wanted to be invisible, for what it was all worth

She begged herself, to just be strong

But the tears that escaped didn't seem to play along


She felt as if the sun, was out but rain came down on her

Why did she have to suffer

Its another day and her eyes are swollen

Her voice is croaking and its obvious that she's been hurting

She's about to leak out another tear

But a group of her friends slowly appear

She thinks she's alone, she feels alone

But they tell her there,here

They tell her, they care

So all her unwanted tears, just disappear


The monster transforms

Turns out she's just a girl

A girl whose going through life and all its twist and turns

A girl who just experienced the worst turmoil

But she'll be okay

Because the same friends that were there for her, are with her today

The author's comments:

We don't always know whats hidden behind a smile, or what a persons going through. We don't give a second though about the words that slip out of our mouths and we take zero responsibilty, for all the damage they cost .But I'm telling you today we can change that. Be a friend to somebody and turn someone's smile upside down. A smile goes a long way. Lets see how far yours can go !

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