Catharsis Of The Heart | Teen Ink

Catharsis Of The Heart

May 20, 2018
By neanbean23 SILVER, New York, New York
neanbean23 SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think

That I am coughing and sputtering

Gill winging rhythmically

Searching for a drop of life


Oh my god I think

That it hurts to do

That my fingers want to

Drop from

This holy script


How can I live

When all I do is sink

And I don't have your arms

To tread water for me


A catharsis of the heart

I think

That there is so much


Unsung love


And I feel all of it

When my body feels so scared

That I am dead weight

And the will to write my prayers

Is sucked from me


How do we live

When every atom surrounding us is dying

And we all see the inevitable

Blaring forth


I run with every dip and twirl

Lost in an enigma

Of chestnut locks


What do we do with overflowing hearts

Scared to boil over

And what do we do with

Electric lips when they dance

Or sweaty palms


Because we don't want to mar

The perfection we see


Where does it go

When the person who

We cry

We sweat

We bleed for

Does not want it


We implode

A supernova of sinking

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