Colors Of Emotion | Teen Ink

Colors Of Emotion

April 23, 2018
By LanaKaufman16 BRONZE, Lexington, North Carolina
LanaKaufman16 BRONZE, Lexington, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue like understanding
Leaking into my soul
Making me human
Making me whole
Emotions let me see
What I need to know
A Mirror into myself
To notice the mistake
I attempt to repeat
That I don’t want to make

Violet like power
To starting once more
Evolving into someone mature
Losing pain
True happiness insures
Emotions leading me to
Where I need to go
A Window out of myself
To find the future
I will one day know

Red like fire
Bleeding into my soul
Telling me what to do
Telling me where to go
Emotions push me towards
The Door
I need to face
The Task 
I need to complete
The Wrong
I need to erase

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