Desks and Deserts | Teen Ink

Desks and Deserts

March 11, 2018
By Mirae BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
Mirae BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreaming is half the work of success

I am so thirsty
I begin to parch, meant for dead---
Wandering, staggering
The sun burns down and I
Sweat raining upwards and filling the sky
Almost a mirage

Where is the groundwater?
I lie pressed into the sands, beg them to take me
Swallow me, bury me
Like I colonize an hourglass
I feel a black security, encircled in glass

At once--
My finger brushes something
Waxen, smooth
A feather.
A quill, a greased white beacon
Of life.

I tap it to the sheet and out pours an oasis
Succulent dark water that drips from the sides of my mouth
Runs through my fingers thickly, and I bathe in the laughter and tears
I am buried still, but not in the sands of suffocation
I drown in the ink of life
And suddenly
There is a new page to turn to

The author's comments:

I write a lot of water-metaphor poetry, and I wanted to do one inspired by an oasis---that is what writing is for me, relief from the droughts of life. 

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