The Epitome | Teen Ink

The Epitome

December 12, 2017
By Miranda4560 BRONZE, Buckhannon, West Virginia
Miranda4560 BRONZE, Buckhannon, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself."

Depending on your age,
or the stage of life that you are currently in,
you may or may not have reached the desired epitome of your life.

To some, the desired epitome of life is one thing.
To others, the epitome of life is something else.
And to many, it is something even more.

My point is, almost everyone's will be different in some way.
However, few will be similar to yours.
The epitome of your life is something that you desire for you.

So, what does the epitome of your life look like?
What does it mean to you?

To me, the true epitome of my life would be the very moment that I can look at my position in life and genuinely say that I am happy.
But that is not all.

Alongside true happiness, I want to achieve full self-peace, complete self-awareness and most importantly, the maximum amount of love for myself.

By the peak of my said desired epitome, I want to be able to look back and see:
every bridge that I have burned with toxic people from the past,
each bridge that I have built back to help myself get over the obstacles,
the miles that I have walked and the oceans I have swam for the people that wouldn't even come across a puddle for me,
every new door that I have opened for myself,
and each mountain that I have climbed to get to the best point in my life.
At this point, I can say that I made it.

Yes, my epitome involves mostly only me,
but that is who I live my life for.
As you live your life for you.

I want you and every other reader to do just the same.
Find your epitome and strive to successfully reach it.

As nice as it is to live in mom's basement for a full lifetime of video games, junk food and movies, that's not something that I want for anyone.

I know that nearly everyone out there has dreamt of a good life.
Everyone has goals, or at least one single goal.
And everyone wants to reach their set goals,
but maybe they need an extra push.
This is it.

Open that business.
Pursue that new-found hobby.
Take that trip you once planned, or hoped to plan.
Make yourself happy.
Eat your cake and have it too.
Live life,
and live it to reach your set desired epitome.

The author's comments:

This was a writing piece that hit me all at once around 2a.m. this past Monday night, after pulling an eight-hour shift at work. I feel that it is sloppy, but I have heard and do strongly believe that some of the best work happens late at night and is the product of late night ideas.

I don’t know exactly what I want my readers to pull from this, but I truly hope that someone is able to dig and find something very inspirational from it. Maybe it will help someone discover themselves or hatch an idea of what to do or where to take their life next. I don't know, but again, my fingers are crossed for an inspirational or touching moment to come after reading my article from top to bottom.

My well wishes are with you, and good luck to anyone who reads. I hope that you do live your life for you, I hope that you are happy, and I hope that this finds you well.

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