Why do people fall in love? | Teen Ink

Why do people fall in love?

June 1, 2017
By cornpoet19 SILVER, Willingboro, New Jersey
cornpoet19 SILVER, Willingboro, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

it's common during our years of living,

and it's sometimes beautiful as the spring.

But for others like me, we are feeling blue,

Here's the story of my point of view.


During Smmercamp, I fell in love with a beauty,

then sad, alone, I sat under a tree.

My love for her came to an end,

when she said "I have a boyfriend".


It would come back, the word known as pain,

on the same day it started to rain.

She fell in love with someone else, it just hurt,

there's a hole in my heart and blood on my shirt.


I would later fall in love, the fool in the school,

my heart broke again, love is so cruel.

I fell in love, again and again,

my heart keeps breaking, I wish i was slain.


Me dying from love, its now my trademark,

and its turning my heart charcoal dark.

Here I lay dying, asking to the being above,

why do people fall in love?

The author's comments:

a second poem about me being heart broken

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