This World | Teen Ink

This World

February 7, 2017
By MissChaucer BRONZE, Punxsy, Pennsylvania
MissChaucer BRONZE, Punxsy, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep your heart on fire and your mind on ice.

I don’t know why I shake

Or why my heart breaks

From the pain I haven’t learned

And the scars I haven’t earned

They were given, they were taken

Some piece of me forsaken

Why I see the world this way

In total chaos and disarray

There’s nothing to hope for

And no line worth dying for

We are all just fakes

The future crumbles in our wake

We speak of what we do not know

In hopes that it will help us grow

Selfish as we are in our time

We should know by now it turns on a dime

A second goes by, and a year flies

And everything that’s good must die

When all I see is a baby cry

Or hear an old man give his last sigh

There is so much light everywhere

But not enough to break my stare

I’m set on this darkened path

If only one day we’ll do the math

What are we, puppets in skin

Men and women choking on sin 

Think we’ve found ourselves a friend

But just like life and love this line will-

The author's comments:

The darkness and selfishness of this world consumes us, and whether we recognize the good or not, the evil is there, and it tends to be our focus, no matter what our perspective. We are fake, and we are ugly. We squeeze into the mold, because the overflow gets tossed in the trash. Maybe their trash is our treasure.

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