Will? | Teen Ink


January 9, 2017
By Mr.Rock2465 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mr.Rock2465 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Will I learn?
Have I died?
Am I alive?
Who lives in the Spanish Waste land?
Does it feel good or am I just paranoid?

Is there anybody out their?
Will anyone miss me?
Does anyone care?
Will he live with the tube in his throat forever?
Will we live in the flavors forever?

Will the singers sing if they lose their voice?
Will the salad be covered in olives even in the strangest places?
Why doesn’t the hunter laugh if he breaks his leg?
Why won't you leave my dreams?
Will the faces fade forever?

The author's comments:

Question Poem. The finest piece of writing you will ever read in your life. 

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