October 19, 2016
By madelinewood23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
madelinewood23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

5:15 a.m. 42 degrees.
My feet, covered in snow, drip with slush.
Zzzzzzzip. Bags are packed tight and about to burst.
Scents of McDonald’s concentrated orange juice and Starbucks coffee fill the air.
Shivering and sitting impatiently waiting for my family's boarding zones to be called.
“Flight number 622 to Orlando, you may begin boarding.”

9:25 a.m. 83 degrees.
Toes peek out from flips flops.
“Welcome to Florida” plastered on walls and palm trees show.
Scents of fresh smoothies and Florida oranges surround me.
I’m walking and wishing the sun felt this good in Wisconsin.
“C’mon!! I want to get to the beach!”

12:45 p.m. 87 degrees.
Legs drip with salt water and cover with sand.
Coolers overflow with ice cold waters and Florida oranges.
All I can smell is Banana Boat Tanning Oil and fresh orange peels.  
Laying out, trying to hide the fact I haven’t reapplied my sunscreen for hours 
“Put more sunscreen on unless you want to be stuck inside the rest of the vacation.”

7:10 a.m. 62 degrees.
My body burns and aches with sunburns and blisters.
Luggage covered with sand coated swimsuits, sea shells, and bags of oranges.
Scents of fresh ocean air will be replaced by streets covered in snow and orange cones.
Looking through pictures and wishing we could stay.
“Flight number 126 to Milwaukee, you may begin boarding.”

10:25 a.m. 37 degrees.
Body covered with layers of clothing.
“Welcome to Milwaukee” as well as pure white around every corner. 
The smell of the Florida oranges override the scent of the McDonald’s.
Preparing to walk outside and bracing myself for the freezing cold gusts of wind.
“Don’t forget your phones, carry ons, and the bag of oranges.”

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