The Past That Killed Me | Teen Ink

The Past That Killed Me

October 6, 2016
By lukep521 BRONZE, Oliveburg, Pennsylvania
lukep521 BRONZE, Oliveburg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All human wisdom is summed up in these two words -- wait and hope." - Emily Dickinson

I'm like a childhood memory,

long and forgttoen, long and broken

I beat like your grown heart,

strong and powerful, strong and bruised


I remember once, when mother would cook, when father was there

Those were the days.

Then the days turned to nights,

dawn, to dusk.

With all happiness, comes sorrow.

With all sorrow, comes regret


The beginning was sweet, the air was light

The ending was sour, pollution suffocating you until

No more.

I wept. I wept for you, I wept for me, I wept for the world and the Hell that we are all living.

I wished so many nights to have you back, father.

I wished so many nights to not be lost, father.

I prayed and prayed, but there was no God to answer me. Only Silence.

Only the memories. The memories that faded, long and broken.

The heart that was once strong and powerful, now strong and bruised.


The beginning was sweet, the air was light.

The ending was sour, pollution suffocating me until


No more.

The author's comments:

Thank you for reading, this was a hard piece to write. I wrote this, thinking of my father who passed away when I was younger. It still affects me, years later, and my emotions just flowed into this piece. I really do hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you can make a connection to something from your life to this piece. I hope it affected you or touched you in some way, that's my goal with all of my writing. Once more, thank you for reading. Keep writing, forever.

- Luke

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 18 2016 at 9:55 pm
lukep521 BRONZE, Oliveburg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All human wisdom is summed up in these two words -- wait and hope." - Emily Dickinson

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your words!