P a u s e | Teen Ink

P a u s e

June 1, 2016
By issy33 SILVER, Crestline, Ohio
issy33 SILVER, Crestline, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

P a u s e
In this whirlwind life of
Sixty-second minutes
we tend to turn our lives into
A race
P a u s e
Step back from it all
When you’ve forgotten how to breathe alone
When you haven’t truly looked at the sky in ages
P a u s e
At the gas station, sitting in your car
fogging up the windshield with your breath
gazing at the twinkling lights around town
P a u s e
Long enough to notice the sunset smeared across the sky
and the color it makes when the orange blaze seethes
on the cool blue
P a u s e
In the rain
Watch the humans running from its fingers
Feeling each drop hit your skin and writhe across your body
P a u s e
In the grocery store
with people milling around doing people-things
trapped in The Race
consider their lives and possibilities
P a u s e
Uncross your arms
and open your heart
To the beautiful world around you

And then hit Play.

The author's comments:

Growing up in today's world it is so easy to forget who we are and what our purpose is. Wordly things make it difficult to stay on track, to make time for what's important. I wrote this poem because I have been incredibly busy lately with planning for my future, sports, clubs, studying, and a variety of other things. I have been cramming activities and plans into every minute of my day, making my schedule look like some sort of maze. One day I was on my way to basketball practice and I looked up at the sky and just stopped thinking for a moment. Breathing deeply, I soaked in the beautiful sunset smeared across my windshield and let myself relax. In this moment I realized that all the little things taking up my time were really not that important at all, and that I needed to just stop and fill my life with love--and it would all be alright.

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