The World is Calling | Teen Ink

The World is Calling

May 20, 2016
By Jhpopovsky BRONZE, Moreland Hills, Ohio
Jhpopovsky BRONZE, Moreland Hills, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are a number of ways you can count time in this world.
You can count the days, minutes, hours, years, months, seasons, seconds.
There are an infinite amount of units you could use to count the time.
I guess the way you keep track of it affects the amount of time you think you have in this life.
If you were to count the seconds and the minutes, it would seem like you have a countless amount of time to spend.
But I encourage you to count the years.
Count the years because we really don't have that much time in this world.
Time to live life for every moment, even when there might be consequences.
Time for you to splash in the puddles on a rainy day instead of
Shackling up inside like some prisoner to the weather.
Time to get muddy,
and ruin your favorite shoes splashing in those puddles while you're at it.
This time is too precious to stay in on weekends
While other people are out living their lives
Partying and having fun
While you lay gloomily at home in your soft bed
That protects you from the big bad world.
Yes, the world can be scary, but not as scary as the thought of wasting our time,
Wasting our lives.
There is no time to do all these joyous things, that bring culture and personality to ourselves.
That's why we need to live life to the fullest.
Just because you're scared doesn't mean it can hurt you.
Just because you don't want to doesn't mean it won't be fun.
Just because people tell you not to doesn't mean you shouldn't.
You should take risks!
Just because you don't need it doesn't mean you shouldn't get it.
Just because someone says so doesn't mean you agree.
Just because there's not much left to say doesn't mean you stop listening.
Just because someone doesn't love you back doesn't mean you stop loving.
Just because life is hard doesn't mean you stop living.
Just because...
Because the world is calling for all of us,
We just need answer the phone.

The author's comments:

Live life for the moment and make your own decision to yourself.

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