How did this happen? | Teen Ink

How did this happen?

May 25, 2016
By ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How did this happen?
How can this be?
Last night i fell asleep
(in my own bed of course).
I snuck a midnight snack
(of chocolate chip cookies).
Then I laid in bed
-with my favorite blanket-
and my plump pillow,
then dozed, dreamed, and drooled
(warmth filled through my body)

But, this morning,
I awakened to a bird chirping in my ear.
My bed once plump and cozy,
now a big, brown, branch.
And leaves all tangled in my hair
When i look around all I can see is…
my house is now a tree
How did this happen?
How can this be?


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