A Grandfather | Teen Ink

A Grandfather

May 18, 2016
By EBrophy BRONZE, La Grange Park, Illinois
EBrophy BRONZE, La Grange Park, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are the glue holding us together closely and tightly
You are light from the train appearing in a dark tunnel
and you are the pleasing surprise from a rainbow in the sky
You are a full plate of the best food

You are not the teeth that bite on a tongue
You may never be a graceful and roaming majestic bird
You are not Hercules
No matter how old you get, you are not an old soul

You are the little kid who teases frequently and then apologizes to get a lollipop
With no doubt in my mind, you are the scented candle that refuses to burn out
You are the parachute that never allows anyone to fall
You are definitely the phone constantly ringing

We are the Earth and you are the Moon
The moon can get dark and the moon can change frequently on us
The moon can beam brightly or even turn red
However, we'd be lost without the moon for the moon brings us light
You are the warmest and most comfortable hug after a long day
You are my imperfect hero

The author's comments:

It was inspired by Litany by Billy Collins. I changed it to be about my Grandfather because he has a strong influence in my life. I hope people read it and realize the people you love the most aren't perfect, but that won't change how much you love them.

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