Darkness | Teen Ink


May 12, 2016
By AnnemarieE GOLD, Wasaga Beach, Other
AnnemarieE GOLD, Wasaga Beach, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Depression is a killer, and hell, it sure kills.

The dark,
It overwhelms me.
I see no light anymore,
Where has it all gone?

I try to hide,
But it always finds me.
I try to find the light,
But the darkness always takes over.
I can't find it,
Where has it gone?

The darkness is all I see now.
I no longer look for the light.

The darkness covers my face,
Like a mask.
It takes over again.
No feelings,
No worries,


It controls me,
I don't try to stop it.
What's the use?
There's no light to help guide me.

I see a door,
White light behind it shines through the cracks,
I can see the light...
All of the darkness disappears.
I'm surrounded by white light.

I wasn't able to beat the darkness the way I was supposed to,
So I did it my way.
I'm gone,
As is the darkness.
Now, there is light.
But no me.

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