Sometimes it's get a little too much | Teen Ink

Sometimes it's get a little too much

April 22, 2016
By ulfah_bakmonpau SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
ulfah_bakmonpau SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes it’s get a little too much
Everything that you expected just blew up like a dust
Everything that you dreamed just woke you up to the reality
That’s why people call this life
not a fairytale

Beautiful spring with the bunnies and bears
Just part of the dream
Snow still comes without invitation
Because flowers are just too shy to bloom

And books just yell because they need me to feed them
Than time just unfriend me
But my heart just to slow to make my self reaction and realize that life still goin on
Too much work,too much everything
And My brain try to lying to be oke
if heart just be broken

And face each face , one by one, just flew away with the shadows
And destiny,she just went without saying goodbye
Erasing all my imagination to stay with her until the end of summer
Summer is just too afraid to come earlier
And destiny,she just couldn’t wait

And than they will have a new daughter
I cry like
i dont know
It’s mean good or it’s mean bad
It is good because the streotype will break up
It is good because they realize how important this moment
But it is bad because it mean i just have a couple week left
It it hard because they will replace my self
It is sad because i won’t to see them again for a couple years
Then when i am gone,
Will they miss me?
Or i just a story such an experience?
My eyes just too heavy to make my tears go down
My heart just too flat to say i doesn’t want to lose you
And my soul too smart to lying that i am okey
And i just put the big smile theme on my face
And my mouth too shaking to say good bye
Because my mind just believe to say see you later.

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