Why Me | Teen Ink

Why Me

April 21, 2016
By _Battles_ BRONZE, Mt.summit, Indiana
_Battles_ BRONZE, Mt.summit, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
My biggest fear is one day you will see me the way I see myslef

Why me?

Why the dance?

why the kiss?

Why the hug?

Why the broken heart?

Why me? 

Gave you my broken heart hoping you would fix it 

But you just broke it more baby.

Why the note?

Why the roses?

Why the sweatshirt?

Why the chocolate?

Why me?

I thought you were gonna love me till

The day i die.

I Thought you were gonna stay

But you left me without a goodbye.

The author's comments:

Guys suck

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